1 | Maria Conley |
2 | Ed Renner |
3 | Eileen and Bruce Nelson |
4 | Steve Bosworth, Carla Vickers |
5 | Cheryl Ritz |
6 | Bill and Lydia Moore |
7 | Bill de Decker, Nancy Garcia |
8 | Mary Alice Renner |
9 | Renée Underwood |
10 | Diane Schirico, Debbi Luenser |
11 | Henry Garcia |
12 | Wendy Collins |
13 | Moneta de Castro |
14 | Suzanne de Decker, Henry Garcia |
15 | Mike and Vicky Alday |
16 | Bill and Tessy Ross |
17 | Veronica Martinez |
18 | David and Lisa Griffith |
19 | Monica Molina |
20 | Griff Murphy |
21 | Deacon Steve and Debi Holton |
22 | Joyce Fielding |
23 | Elenette Abello |
24 | Gay Washabaugh |
25 | Brian McManus |
26 | Nancy Garcia, Lydia Moore |
27 | Elenette Abello, Ken Dalton, Lizette Alberto |
28 | Patty Bransford |
29 | Simeona Wilson |
30 | Sherry Schultz |
31 | Bruce Mallory |
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